Egypt launches comprehensive national health insurance system

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CAIRO, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced on Tuesday the launch of a comprehensive health insurance system nationwide.

“In the name of God, believing in the right of every citizen to integrated health care according to the highest standards of quality … and for the future deserving of the people of this great country,” al-Sisi said while announcing the launch of the system.

“The comprehensive health insurance has undergone long studies to ensure its success,” he said during the inauguration of several national projects in Port Said and North Sinai provinces through a video conference.

The Egyptian president noted that the citizen will contribute 35 percent of the costs of the health insurance system, the fees collected in the new system will account for 30 percent, and the public treasury will bear 30 to 40 percent.

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