In your Greek Coffee Cup!

Reading the coffee cup is something that we all know or have encountered some time in our life.I suppose??!! .well most of us anyway..The question is..can anyone do it or are you born with this magic power??? And if you do ..how do you know??

Why can’t we all unlock the secrets of the future??  Is this a talent that only the few can use??  This is a yes and no answer.  Reading the coffee cup is like reading the Tarot cards, Palm reading, and even crystal ball reading.  It all comes down to intuition.  Everyone has it..buttt…only a few really have it well developed, value and therefore cultivate it.   Some people don’t even believe in any of this. Everything to them is merely based on coincidence.   So the power of magic is not even in their vocabulary. Which for me personally is really sad..what is life without magic!!!   How many times have you thought of someone really strongly and suddenly the phone rings and ..bang!! its them!!  How many times have you felt restless about someone and find out later on something has happened to them..??  Ever had the feeling that you want to change route and you do..after some time you learn that route you hadn’t taken was an accident??   These and so many other examples of our other side let’s say…do you see them as coincidence??.. intuition??.. do you just oversee them or sew them into your mind and soul??


People who believe  they have a gift, believe and follow it.  Believing in your intuition is the first condition in any reading.  Intuitive people  come closer to this special gift and sum up information of their interest  easier than the “normal” people.  This is what medium, astrologers, coffee cup readers do.  Its not enough only knowing each symbol and their meaning.  One must be able to combine the two for a meaningful reading.  In all..a reading is not only a matter of technical or knowledge about something,  but most of all INTUITION.


Living in Greece for so many years and personally always into coffee cups, astrology and even magic brought me close to certain special people.  Either it’s in your blood or not..and  as a country of very ancient history especially when it comes to these energies, Greece is one  the best!!

Reading the coffee cup is a tradition that runs for centuries where you would think this strange method of fortune telling is Greek.  Kafemandeia, as it is called in Greek, actually originates from China and is centuries old where tea leaves were read, whereas the Greek coffee reading is all about the grinds remaining at the bottom of the cup that the fortune teller reads.  The Coffee cup reader is called “kafetzou”.  The person’s emotional, mental and physical condition affects the shapes formed in the coffee residue, forming symbols that reveal something about the person and show things that may happen… or not… in the future.


No coffee cup will reveal its secrets before the coffee cup reader carefully prepares for the “reading”.  Most importantly, reading must always and only be done in daylight without any electrical light to help.


After calmly drinking greek coffee with NO RUSH and is finished..you  next need to prepare the cup. To do this, you’ll first want to turn the cup around clockwise a total of three  times. While turning the cup, be sure to swirl the remaining coffee grounds up the sides, and even spill a little over the top if you feel you must.   After you’re done, quickly turn it upside down, letting the grounds fall into a napkin or on the table.

Turn the cup over so that it is completely upright. By now, the cup will look very messy, with designs and shapes swirling on the sides and at the bottom of the cup. At this point, you need to train yourself to see the real shapes that these swirls represent. By determining what the designs look like, you will be closer to reading the fortune. Once you see the symbols, all you need to do is interpret them.


However,  the reader (you)  must   wash your  hands.  You  should not be in any mourning or generally in a bad psychological state.   In turn you always  hold  the cup in your left hand and start chanting the following:.


“Angels of Heaven, Ladies  of the Moon, Let the Fire burn all Evil…

Fire,  water and earth, the end and the beginning, show the future to ones herewith…’’   (say your name, not the person of interest)



The coffee cup is held by the small cup handle, slanted slightly.  You only read the symbols, lines that are the most obvious.  Whatever various shapes are found on the tip of the coffee cup regards the current situation.  Anything at the bottom of the cup is about wishes, pursuits and the very well hidden enemies!!..   Have in mind the cup is a  short term future telling method, the most for 6 months. However, if you come across a very experienced and old coffee cup reader..it may even read for the year/s to come.

As I mentioned above, coffee cup reading is NOT only about looking at the symbols, lines, shapes.  For example if you see a camel in the reading, look also around the camel and combine.  What direction is the camel looking?? Where is it standing on?? What is above the camel’s head??


Lets begin with the basics!!


When you separate the cup from its saucer, occasionally a big piece of the coffee grind might fall down on to the saucer. Don’t panic!!  this is considered to be a very positive sign as this means that you are achieving your goals and all troubles are leaving you

They say that if you see the cup and its saucer are stuck when you try to separate them. You can even lift the cup and the saucer beneath comes with it like glued to the white china! They say it is prophet’s coffee cup!  Just thought to mention it!!

Saucer: The symbols on the saucer generally talk about the person’s love and home life.


Bottom & Middle and Top parts: Sometimes the coffee cup is divided into horizontal halves: Some instances aside, generally, shapes in the bottom of the cup are the messages that are believed from your past, middle part presents your current day whereas the top and edges give hints of the unknown future. You can always see clues about your home, family, friends and jealousies at the bottom of your cup.

Big Shapes at the top: If the shape is close to the top and also big, some argue that a big event will happen soon.

Lines:   The most important in coffee reading are the lines, which are separated in two categories, horizontal at the rim of the cup and the parallel lines.   Most important are the parallel.  If they are straight and long means an easy life without too many complications.  If the lines are cut up into smaller lines, things get difficult.  The wavey lines are the ups and downs and require much attention.  Your life is on a wave!!  One minute your up and away on your beautiful balloon!! But before you can enjoy it..bammm!! Your right back down again.!!!Thats why when things go well..just have a back up plan!!

Triangle: Change is coming to your life.

Y letter: Good news, help coming from a friend.
Dots: A group of black dots up to 5 or 10 means that you might receive money soon. Some also interpret these dots as a reference to travelling or a message. If a large group of dots are visible in most of the cup, this indicates that the plans of the person who drunk the coffee are not clear enough.

Around the handle of the cup:   Some readers think part around the cup handle signifies the development of your love life.

Right and left: According to the tradition the right side from the cup handle tells the future –

Left side of the cup handle is the continuity of the future too.

Also depending on the origin of the reader, he/she might read the patterns in the right side of the cup handle as good and patterns in the left side of the cup handle as evil developments.

Eye: If this is an angry and dark looking eye, this clearly means jealousy, evil eye. If this is a positive look then it means someone is thinking of you, missing you.

House: Relocation. The size and look of the shape give clues about your new dwelling.

Circle: A circle with heaps of white area inside means accomplishment in life.

Tree: Things are evolving and progressing the way you want them to be, though slowly. It might mean profit and/or family happiness. Tree is considered to be one of the very good signs.
Gate & Door: Opportunity, opening to a new era.

Crown: Like in any culture crown symbolises success and authority.

Ribbon & Tie: Happy event, celebration.

Star: One of the rare signs to see in a cup and star means investment.

Key: A key means a new house, relocation, financial success.

Sun or sun set: Means power. Very good and unexpected development is occuring.

Bag: Success, money

Ear: Someone who is quick to pick up news is listening to you.

Butterfly: Unreliable and worrying friendship.

Bird: News but good news.

Holding Hands: Agreement

Anchor: Attaining a high place, finding security in life.

Fish (Any kind including Whale & Dolphin): Very big achievement especially in your career.

Candle: Opening the mind, wisdom and knowledge.

Knife: Physical danger in the future.

Moon: Love

Letter: Good news

Ring: Union, marriage.

Broken ring: Separation

Scissors: Argument with loved ones.

Open the heart: Following the reading, the person who drunk the coffee places his/ her right thumb at the inside bottom of the cup and twists clockwise slightly. This is to create new shapes in the cup to see the very personal emotions and thoughts of the person you read.


There isn’t a Greek family without at least ONE coffee cup reader!! Whether its real or not..you never know..everything’s possible!! And it is fun!!!