ABC to broadcast educational shows, mini lessons on their kids channel


The Australian Broadcasting Corporation will broadcast educational shows and mini lessons on one of its children’s channels from mid-April, with shows for primary students in the morning and high school content in the afternoon.

The broadcaster will create the mini-lessons, run by teachers, for the ABC Education portal and on ABC Me. They will be partially financed by the NSW and Victorian education departments.

“With so many Australian children now studying at home or preparing to do so, the ABC is boosting its support for students, teachers and parents to help young Australians receive the education they need,” said ABC Managing Director David Anderson.

ABC Managing Director David Anderson says the broadcaster is boosting its support for students, teachers and parents.
ABC Managing Director David Anderson says the broadcaster is boosting its support for students, teachers and parents. Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

From Monday April 14, when students in some states will be beginning term two (schools in NSW resume on April 27), ABC Me will run educational programming between 10am and 3pm. Programs will include Ecomaths, ScienceXplosion, and Numberblocks.

The ABC will also offer 4000 free videos, interactive resources and games mapped to the Australian curriculum through its education portal.