All what you need to know about Coronavirus Support in your own Language

Important Information about Coronavirus



 Income and Material Support

Income Support for Individuals

JobSeeker Payment

A six-month supplement of $550 a fortnight for persons aged 22 to retirement age, who are unemployed or temporarily unable to work, and not in receipt of JobKeeper payment from an employer. Residence conditions and a means test apply. Assets tests have been suspended for this and several other benefits.

Click here, or visit:

Special Support Payments to Centrelink Beneficiaries

Two $750 Economic Support Payments will be provided to people receiving a selection of Centrelink payments, including recipients of JobSeeker and Youth Allowance, in mid- to later March, and mid-July.

Click here, or visit:

Supplements for Centrelink Beneficiaries and other Income Support

New and existing JobSeeker and selected other Centrelink recipients will receive a six-month supplement of $550 a fortnight, with no asset test or waiting periods to access the payment.

Eligibility for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance has been expanded to include permanent employees who have been stood down or lost their job, sole traders, self-employed, casuals or contract workers whose income has reduced, and those caring for someone affected by coronavirus.

For further information about this supplement, as well as general income support, working from home and access to superannuation:

Click here, or visit:

Click here, or visit:

Click here, or visit:

Click here, or visit:

Emergency Relief

Emergency Relief for People in Self-isolation

The Victorian Government can provide a two-week package of food and personal care items to people in mandatory self-isolation and in need. To find out more, phone 1800 675 398.

Otherwise, click here, or visit:

Red Cross Emergency Relief

From late April, the Red Cross will distribute one-off packages of food and essential items to eligible persons and families on temporary visas, funded by the Federal Government.

Click here, or visit: Otherwise, phone: 1800 675 398.

Emergency Relief from Local Welfare Agencies

Many local council websites present details of local sources of food and other household essentials, for residents in financial hardship.

Help Paying for Electricity, Gas or Water

The Victorian Government Utility Relief Grant Scheme provides eligible Victorians with Pensioner, Health Care or Veterans Gold cards, and who are facing financial hardship or high rental costs, with up to $650 on each utility type across a two-year period or $1,300 for those with a single source of energy. Apply to electricity, gas or water retailers.

Click here, or visit:

Housing Tenants and People at Risk of Homelessness

Residential tenants or those living in a rooming house, social housing, a caravan park or specialist disability accommodation, may apply to break a lease early if the event of financial hardship.

Landlords may not evict those who wish to stay, except in the event of damage to property, criminal activity or serious violence, else if a tenant can pay rent but refuses to do so. Neither may tenants be listed on a residential tenancy database (blacklist) if they are unable to pay rent due to coronavirus.

Click here or:

For advice from the Tenants Union, click here, or visit:

For housing assistance in a crisis

St Kilda Crisis Centre: Ph: 9536 7777 (24 hours)  or  Opening Doors: Ph: 1800 825 955 (24 hours)

Payment of Personal Loans, including Housing Loan Repayments

Some banks have eased conditions of repayment of loans to customers in financial hardship, including deferral or restructuring of home loan repayments.

Click here, or visit:

Phone and Internet Discounts

Telstra is offering unlimited standard home phone calls for pensioners, abolishing late payment fees for bills from 19 March to 30 June 2020, and discounting fees for customers on JobSeeker payments.

Click here, or visit:

Optus is offering customers the option of suspending their current plan if they do not require the service, while temporarily waiving late payment fees and suspending disconnection and credit collection activities.

Click here, or visit:

Advice and Assistance for Workers

Leave, standing down employees, workers’ rights

Information from the Fair Work Ombudsman about employment rights and entitlements, paid and unpaid leave, standing down employees, finding work and flexible work arrangements.

Click here, or visit:

Information for Workers who are Migrants or Visa Holders

Click here, or visit:

Translated information available. Select preferred language at the upper left-hand side of the page

JobSeeker Payments

Business Support

Federal JobKeeper Subsidy

A scheme to encourage businesses to retain employees, with $1,500 per fortnight paid to workers by eligible employers. The subsidy is available to companies, partnerships, trusts and sole traders, not-for-profits and charities with a turnover of less than $1bn, that have lost 30% or more of their revenue compared to a year ago; else with a turnover of $1bn or more and a 50% decline in revenue compared to a year ago.

Eligible employees must be at least 16, Australian citizens, hold a visa in the permanent, protected, special or non-protected special categories, and have resided continually in Australia for 10 years or more. Also available to New Zealanders on special category (subclass 444) visas and employed on 1 March 2020.

Click here, or visit:

General Information for Business and Employers

Including Business Victoria Hotline 13 22 15, specific information for various industries and prevention of infection in the workplace. Click here, or visit:

Economic Survival and Jobs Package, and Business Support Fund

The Business Support Fund features a one-off $10,000 grant to eligible businesses. The Economic Survival and Jobs Package also includes payroll tax and liquor licence fee waivers, and help hiring displaced workers.

Click here, or visit:

Or click here, to find out about the Victorian Business Support Fund.

Payroll Tax Refunds

Payroll tax refunds are to be provided in 2019-20 to small to medium-sized businesses with payrolls less than $3 million, coupled with option of deferring payroll tax payments for the first three months of 2020/21.

Click here, or visit:

Deferral of Bank Loan Repayments

Major banks will defer repayments of existing loans small businesses in financial distress, for up to six months.

Advice from Wespac.

Click here, or visit:

Advice from Commonwealth Bank.

Click here, or visit:

Otherwise visit your bank’s website for details.

Commercial Tenancies Relief Scheme

Includes a moratorium on commercial tenancy evictions, freeze on rent increases and a mediation service.

Click here, or visit:

More information is available here, at the Victorian Small Business Commission or visit:

Help finding Work or Hiring Employees

Victorian Government assistance to those who have lost their jobs due to the epidemic, and assistance for employers to find suitable workers.

Click here, or visit:

Council Rate and Fee Deferrals and Waivers

Many councils have taken steps to support local businesses, with deferral of rates or the waiving of fees. For more information, visit your local council website.

Funding Assistance for Not-for-Profit Organisations

Assistance for not-for-profit organisations.

Click here, or visit:

Domestic and Overseas Travel

Travel Restrictions

Click here, or visit:

Information for Overseas Travellers

Click here, or visit:

Concerns about Family Members Overseas

Contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade here, or visit:

Health and Wellbeing, and Family Violence

Mental Health Resources: Ideas and resources to help people cope with stress

Advice and resources for supporting mental health: Click here, or visit:

Tips from the Red Cross to help individuals and families maintain wellbeing and manage isolation

Click here or visit:

‘Taking care of yourself in isolation’ – a simple series of practical tips

Click here, or visit:

Advice from Dementia Australia for people caring for someone with dementia at home

Click here, or visit:

LifeLine: Ph: 131 114  (24 hours)  Click here, or visit:

Beyond Blue: Help with depression or anxiety. Ph: 1300 22 4636 (24 hours)

Click here, or visit:

Kids Help Line: Ph: 1800 551 800. (24 hours)   Email and web counselling:

Advice and Support for Family Violence

Advice about family violence and sources of help.

Click here, or visit:  or/

Click here, or visit:

RESPECT: Support for family violence and sexual assault: Ph: 1800 737 732 (24 hours) or visit:

Safe Steps Family Violence Crisis Response Centre: Ph: 1800 015 188 (24 hours) or visit:

Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence: Help in non-English languages. Ph: 1800 755 988 (Mon-Fri. 9am to 5pm) or click here, or visit:

Centre Against Sexual Assault: Support for people who have been sexually assaulted. Ph: 1800 806 292 (24 hours)

Child Protection Crisis Line: Ph: 1300 655 795 (Mon-Fri. 9am to 5pm) or 131 278 (after hours)

Support for Specific Issues and Segments of the Community

People with a Disability and their Carers

Medical advice, further support, and tips for keeping healthy for carers.

Click here, or visit:

Carers Advisory Line on 1800 514 845 (Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm) Click here, or visit:

Phone NDIA on 1800 800 110 (Mon-Fri 8am-8pm) to request a plan review. Click here, or visit:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Physical distancing, access to food and essential supplies, and other advice, emphasising cultural respect.

Click here, or visit:


Play, Health and Learning at Home

About play, learning, safety and health, for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children, as well as services for parents.

Click here, or visit:

Fun activities for parents and children at home

Click here, or visit:

Learning from Home for Children

Learning resources for children during school closures. Click here, or visit:

Advice about learning from home, in community languages

Click here, or visit:

Services for Parents

Victorian Government services for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children.

Click here, or visit:

Crisis Support for Parents

Parent Helpline: 13 22 89  (8am to midnight 7 days a week)

International Students

Information and support for international students.

Click here or visit:

Else email or phone 1300 981 621 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri)

Visa Holders

Information for Immigrants and Visa Holders

Immigration arrangements and obligations during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Click here, or visit:

Entitlements to remain in Australia for visa holders

Arrangements for holders of various visa types. Available in community languages.

Click here, or visit:

Information in other Languages

Written Information in other Languages

From the State Government

Written information about coronavirus in over 40 community languages, including: Burmese, Chinese, Dari, Hazaragi, Khmer, Pasto, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

Click here, or visit:

From the Commonwealth Government

Further translated information about coronavirus is presented here.

From the SBS

Translations and videos from SBS.  Click here, or visit:

From Health Translations

Translated information about Coronavirus provided by ‘Health Translations’ in various languages. Click here, or visit:

From various sources

A selection of written and spoken information in community languages, from the Victorian and Australian governments. Click here, or visit:

Information for Workers who are Migrants or Visa Holders

Translated information is available here, or visit:

Please select your preferred language at the upper left-hand side of the page

Advice and Assistance for Family Violence

Help in non-English languages (Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence): Ph: 1800 755 988 (Mon-Fri. 9am to 5pm) Click here, or visit:

Advice about Learning from Home

Tips for learning from home, in a variety of community languages

Click here, or visit:

Videos in other Languages

Videos about coronavirus in community languages.

Click here, or visit:

Videos from SBS (Special Broadcasting Service). Click here, or visit:

Information about Coronavirus and How to Prevent its Spread

About the Coronavirus Infection

Including its symptoms, how to reduce its spread, and where to obtain help and hospitals which provide assessment services for anyone who have the virus.

Click here, or visit:

Reducing the Risk of Infection

Click here, or visit:

Restrictions on Movement Outside of the Home to Slow the Spread of Coronavirus

Click here, or visit:

Videos about Coronavirus and How to Help Prevent its Spread

How Victorians can work together to respond to the coronavirus disease.

Click here, or visit:

Videos presented by SBS on behalf of the Federal Government.

Click here, for Part One, and here, for Part Two

Videos about coronavirus in other languages are available

Click here, or visit:

If you Suspect You may have Coronavirus:

Call the dedicated hotline: 1800 675 398 (24 hours). 

If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.

Please use Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.

stay safe and stay informed