Coronavirus/COVID19: What we know SO FAR

  1. It enters the body through the eyes, ears, mouth and nose in the face, your private parts, and through any cut or abrasion.
  2. Face masks don’t help prevent it unless you have the disease.
  3. Keep Your Hands As Clean As Possible Through Washing with Soap,Water or an Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitiser
  4. Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose or Mouth.
  5. Avoid Close Contact with People Who are Sick.
  6. It is related to SARS and MERS, as well as a few other coronaviruses which cause the common cold.
  7. Clean and Disinfect Frequently Touched Surface at Home, work place, School, Especially When Someone is Sick.
  8. If You Have an Experience any Symptoms, Please Take it Seriously Stay Home, Call Hotline For Advice :1800-675-398
  9. Incubation is anywhere from two to fourteen days, with symptoms appearing on average five days after infection.
  10. Typical coronavirus symptoms are fever, dry cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath.  Some less common symptoms are sore throat, runny nose or sneezing. There is a small risk of progression to pneumonia, or less commonly, other organ involvement.
  11. Risk of complications raises with age; children seem to be the least dangerously affected.  Risk also raises with pre-existing health issues.
  12. There are not currently any vaccines or antiviral drugs approved to treat coronavirus.
  13. The virus is likely to resolve on its own.  It is recommended that you isolate yourself from others as much as possible during your illness.  Keep an eye out for symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain or pressure, and confusion.