Racism information sessions: Understanding your rights and taking action

Racism information sessions: Understanding your rights and taking action To educate and empower multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria, the VMC and VEOHRC have come together to run a series of information sessions.


Racism information sessions: Understanding your rights and taking action

To educate and empower multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria, the VMC and VEOHRC have come together to run a series of information sessions.

The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) unequivocally condemn racism.

To educate and empower multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria, the VMC and VEOHRC have come together to run a series of information sessions.

Participating in a session will provide you with information to better understand and exercise your rights if you or someone you know experiences racism, religious discrimination, racial or religious vilification.

You will also learn how to recognise racism, how to report it and where to seek advice and support.

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