Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) Flagship Grant programs


Flagship Grant Programs

The Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) applications that do not fall within the priority sectors may instead apply under one of the four Flagship Programs.

CAAR speakers

The CAAR Speaker program provides opportunities for influential Australians to visit the Arab world (or vice versa) to share their expertise on a particular issue. The host institution (not the speaker) receives CAAR funding to cover costs associated with international flights, domestic transport, accommodation and per diem expenses. The speaker stays in country for a week, visiting at least two cities and undertaking at least one public (free) speaking event. The host institution must arrange for the speaker to carry out media interviews and hold targeted meetings (with diplomats, relevant government agencies and community groups). Both the speaker and the host institution are responsible for promotion of the CAARs support for the project, including through the use of social media.

CAAR visitors

The CAAR visitors program provides opportunities for Australian or Arab experts (in disciplines as diverse as political science, theatre, sport, science, visual arts or start-up incubators) to collaborate with their counterparts in the alternate region. The host institution (not the visitor) receives CAAR funding to cover costs associated with business class international flights, domestic transport, accommodation and per diem expenses. The visitor visits for five to twelve weeks to achieve a demonstrable outcome, such as: an academic research paper, a theatre play script, a radio documentary, or an album. The host institute must arrange for the visitor to carry out media interviews and hold targeted meetings (with diplomats, relevant government agencies and community groups). Both the visitor and the host institution are responsible for appropriate promotion of the CAARs support for the project, including through the use of social media.

CAAR exchanges

The CAAR exchanges program provides funding to universities and professional organisations for Australian groups to travel to the Arab world (or vice versa) to undertake activities related to their studies or professions. For example, journalism students could attend a professional tour of local media agencies, or a sporting team could engage in a ‘train-the-trainer’ program, or primary/secondary teachers could learn teaching techniques. The students, teachers and the grantee are responsible for appropriate promotion of the CAAR’s support for the project, including through the use of social media.

Women in leadership

The women in leadership program gives a platform to Arab women known for their leadership and innovation and to foster stronger links between Australian and Arab women, organisations and businesses. Projects funded under this flagship must centre around an event (held in either Australia or the Arab world), and have a lasting impact (such as by creating professional networks). The organisation would be expected to carry out media interviews and hold targeted meetings (with diplomats, relevant government agencies and community groups). The organisation is responsible for appropriate promotion of the CAAR’s support for the project, including through the use of social media.