Multicultural Leadership Course


This free, non-accredited course is provided by Australian Multicultural Community Services organisation (AMCS) in Melbourne, starting October 1st 2019. The course is aimed at community leaders and those interested in developing their leadership skills .The training is being conducted by AMCS’s CEO Mrs Elizabeth Drozd and AMC’s Community Engagement  advisor Dr.Medha Gunawardana.

The Leadership training covers attributes of a leader, types of leadership, the difference between leadership and management , managing self, and community leadership, among other things.

Other topics covered are:

  • what is leadership
  • what is available for free or at low cost for community organisations
  • how to apply for funding
  • how to establish government funded support services for your community
  • how to incorporate and manage not for profit association
  • elective – topics decided by course participants

Start date for the course is 1st October and the duration is 10 consecutive Tuesdays. The address is:

Suite 111, 44-56 Hampstead Rd, Maidstone 3012.

time: 5 00pm – 8 00pm

Contact details:

AMCS Reception: 03 9689 9170

Eligibility: You must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or hold an Australian permanent visa.